Emerald Publishing selects Helping Successful Leaders Get Even Better for Award

Emerald Publishing selects Helping Successful Leaders Get Even Better for Award

By Marshall Goldsmith

Every year Emerald invites each journal’s Editorial Team to nominate what they believe has been that title’s Outstanding Paper and Highly Commended Papers from the previous 12 months.

Marshall Goldsmith Meme

Dr. Goldsmith’s paper entitled “Helping Successful Leaders Get Even Better” published in Business Strategy Series has been chosen as a Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2009.

As they are selected by eminent managers and academics, the winners can be sure that their work is one of the most impressive pieces that the team has seen over the previous year.

Dr. Goldsmiths article is available in Business Strategy Series Volume 9, issue 3, pages 95-103 in 2008.

Marshall Goldsmith Meme
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