Playing Favorites By Marshall Goldsmith There’s a reason I devote...
In each blog I have shared a nugget of knowledge, a piece of advice, or an amazing tip for success. In the list below you’ll find 12 amazing tips that will change your life and help you to become the person that you want to be. Plus, there’s a link to the video and written blog so you can learn more about each insight. And, I hope you’ll explore the rest of the videos in the playlists listed at the end of this blog and that all of these tips are helpful to you on your journey through life!
1. Stop trying to win everything. This is the #1 challenge for most people, because it underlies nearly every other behavioral problem. Our obsession with winning crosses the spectrum of our lives. The next time you start trying to win and prove you’re right, take a deep breath and ask yourself: Exactly what am I winning? We can become more successful if we appreciate this “flaw” and work to suppress it in all of our interpersonal relations. To view video/article:
2. Stop adding value to others’ ideas all the time. The overwhelming desire to add our two cents to every discussion deflates others’ enthusiasm and dampers their commitment. What does this mean for leaders? It means closely monitoring how you hand out encouragement and suggestions. You may realize that you have more to gain by not always adding value! To view video/article:
3. The best question to ask when you’re soliciting feedback (both at work and at home) is: How can I be a better ________________ (friend, partner, employer, worker, leader, daughter, father, etc.)? To view video/article:
4. If you want to change, you must follow-up! This step is essential. If you don’t do follow up, your chances of changing are slight! To view video/article:
5. Quality communication is the glue that holds organizations together. By using feedforward—and by encouraging others to use it—leaders can dramatically improve the quality of communication in their organizations. To view video/article:
6. Even the best coach in the world can’t help an uncoachable person. The four indicators that you are dealing with someone who is uncoachable are: She doesn’t think she has a problem. He is pursuing the wrong strategy for the organization. She is in the wrong job. He thinks everyone else is the problem. To view video/article:
7. Our belief in ourselves helps us become successful and it can also make it very hard for us to change. This is the conundrum of the Success Delusion! To view video/article:
8. Many leaders think they need to delegate more to be more effective as leaders. This is frequently not true. Most often leaders don’t need to delegate more, they need to delegate more effectively! To view video/article:
9. Once we get over whining because ‘life isn’t fair’ – we can become more effective at influencing others and make a positive difference! To view video/article:
10. There is often a great discrepancy between the self we think we are and the self the rest of the world sees in us. This can hold you back! Learn how aligning your stated values to your actual behavior can lead you to great success. To view video/article:
11. Changing behavior involves hard work and it takes time. If you want to be a better leader, a better professional, or a better person, you’ll have to do some work! To view video/article:
12. The moment we stop striving and begin to coast on our good reputation is the perilous moment when we settle for “good enough.” And, this is the moment when, at best, change stops and, at worst, we revert back to our old ways. To view video/article:
For more amazing tips, I encourage you to watch all of my videos in their playlists on YouTube. For easy access and playability, I’ve listed them in order below and provided the link to the series.
1. Teaching Leaders What to Stop. To view:
2. Leadership Is a Contact Sport. To view:
3. Coaching for Behavioral Change. To view:
4. Coaching for Leaders. To view:
5. Personal Advice. To view:
6. Triggers. To view:
And I’m thrilled to tell you that your feedback has been so overwhelmingly positive that I am going to continue posting the blog! The focus of my next blogs will be ideas from my new book Triggers, which will be published May 19, 2015. There is so much new content about becoming the person you want to be (both at work and at home) that I am incredibly excited for this next series of videos. I hope you enjoy them and find them useful!
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My mission is simple. I want to help successful people achieve positive, lasting change and behavior; for themselves, their people, and their teams. I want to help you make your life a little better. With four decades of experience helping top CEOs and executives overcome limiting beliefs and behaviors to achieve greater success, I don’t do this for fame and accolades. I do this because I love helping people!
As an executive educator and coach, I help people understand how our beliefs and the environments we operate in can trigger negative behaviors. Through simple and practical advice, I help people achieve and sustain positive behavioral change.